Missions flown by pilots of Asas de Socorro from Manaus, Brazil, are of many types, especially:

1.  Participation and partnership with Protestant missionaries, churches, and pastors, transport-ing supplies, medicines, and people.

In the past, it was impossible for volunteers, having only two or three available weeks to donate, to reach the tribes and villages by motor boat.  Not only was the travel time too long, but they had to go through stormy waters infested with snakes, piranas, malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever, porting boats over rapids and carrying food and camping supplies.

Flying there safely in very few hours has made this type of mission possible.  Amazingly, the financial cost per mile of getting there by light plane is almost the same as going the hard way.

Select a date tab from those above or below to see sample missions flown by Asas de Socorro pilots Darrel Carver , Wilson Kannenberg, and Paul Bachmann, who pilot Asas de Socorro's new Cessna 208 Caravan.
Types of Missions by Asas de Socorro
in the Brazilian Amazon

2.  Planning, organizing, and flying joint missions with volunteer doctors, dentists, educators and evangelists to areas of extreme need in the Amazon.  We call these "AMDE" missions, which in the Brazilian language is pronounced "AHM-gee".  The acronym stands for Assistencia Medical, Dental, e Evangelical.

3.  Emergency medical evacuation for missionaries, natives, and tourists.

4.  Linking mission teams to mission boats, exchanging the weary-but-joyful teams for fresh volunteers and thereby extending the reach of boats into the Amazon.
Arquives from Previous Years: